Image and video upscaling is a professional image and video upscaling service, it uses state of the art technology to render images and video at the level of big studios for a fraction of the cost.

Project Execution

The first stage of the project was to set up the Amazon EC2 servers running Ubuntu to serve the front and back-end of the service. The next stage was the integration between the front-end an the upscaling server running a custom web server.

Following, the development of iPoints and isizing tasks management was executed. Finally, the front shop and the affiliate program was implemented.

After the development phase, an optimisation started to reduce loading time and to make the front store SEO friendly for search engines, techniques such as caching, minification and CDN distribution were applied reaching high score values.


  1. PHP &WordPress- Front store
  2. LUA  – Back end server
  3.  JS/extJS – File manager
  4. AWS platform – EC2, Route53 and CloudFront.

Time Scope

This project was carried between January and May 2016.